by BAR poet in residence Raymond Nat Turner
For a long time now, the politics of fear is all that Dems and Repubs have to offer us. But as Jill Stein observes, voting for what you fear a little less has a track record. It delivers still more of what we fear, not less.
by BAR poet in residence Raymond Nat Turner
I wanna scream that this is
I wanna scream that this is
I wanna scream that this is
I wanna scream that this is:
They keep singin’ their same ol’ song—
Big lies, for us to blindly sing along…
False alerts of oranges, yellows and reds
Pounding terror and fear into our heads—
“Most important $election of our lifetimes:
$electing criminals for more war crimes!”
Fear a thug-in-a-rug, blowhard buffoon—
‘Too big to fail’ thieves are still immune!
Fear wannabe warmongers and other kooks—
The Commander spent trillions on nukes!
Fear sock puppets, stead of 1% puppeteers’
PSYOP $campaigns—every four years…
Fear folks in hoodies, hijabs, kufis, turbans
Not Brooks Brothers terrorists in Suburbans
Fear undocumented workers taking ‘our’ jobs—
Not the ‘person-hood’, who steals and robs…
Fear U.S.-armed assets, terrorist playthings
Not the next ‘bubble’ and destruction it brings…
Fear anthrax in plastic-wrapped homes’/duct tape
Not Nazis, Plutocrats nurture—and helped escape—
Of course, what’s most to fear is deadly fear itself:
Leaving revolution resting on the corporate shelf…