by BAR poet in residence Raymond Nat Turner
Our poet tires of the swatting zika-infested mosquitoes that bring us emergency managers and privatization, of seeing the crocodile tears of our black big city mayors and the rest of the black misleadership class. this week he advocates a more comprehensive approach.
*Drain the Swamp
(SF Hunger Strikers, si; Racist Police Texters, no!)
by BAR poet in residence Raymond Nat Turner
Now, bulls$*#!’s the essential language of group think
That the capitalist state uses over and over to hoodwink
Like Texter-in-Chief claiming his texters need training—
We disagree, thinking that the swamp needs draining:
Drain the swamp—
Quit acting like their ol’ venom is new
Drain the swamp—
Everybody knows that’s what snakes do!
Drain the swamp—
We don’t need a department of predator police
Drain the swamp—
A pensioned pack of thugs who kill and fleece
Drain the swamp—
Away with the sewer-mouthed racists who reek
Drain the swamp—
Into their natural habitat of Wall-nut Creekkk…
Drain the swamp—
Disband blue klan runnin’ ‘round without hoods
Drain the swamp—
To 1816 towns of “Peckerwoods”
Drain the swamp—
Of apartheid thinkers, surviving Boers
Drain the swamp—
Of anachronisms like dinosaurs
Drain the swamp—
And bring the super-predators to heel
Drain the swamp—
Revoking their licenses to kill and steal
Drain the swamp—
Crock-a-Dialing monsters must all be spayed
Drain the swamp—
By drying out the marsh where they are paid
Drain the swamp—
Leaving Hitlerite scum a fresh context
Drain the swamp—
No benefits, pensions—where to go next?
Drain the swamp—
Sending blood-sucking leeches on their way
Drain the swamp—
Let ‘em live off their beloved kkk!
Drain the swamp—
Of racists paid by people they abhor
Drain the swamp—
Into Gitmo to text forevermore…